Here is the explanation of How To Calculate Bisection Bandwidth? When the graph of the data center is divided in half at any given point, the result is the maximum bandwidth available in the data center.
When it comes to a conventional Clos design, this typically refers to the bandwidth between Clos stages or, in cases of oversubscription, the bandwidth between the Upper edge Of Rack (ToR) switches and the spine switches.
A minimum number of links severed to = bisection width. The network is into two halves. The bisection bandwidth is the same as the above bandwidth. One-half of the network nodes can communicate with the other half of the nodes simultaneously, thanks to the total bisection bandwidth. Assume that B Mbps data injection into the network occurs at a rate of 50% of the nodes. The network has unlimited bisection bandwidth when the bisection bandwidth is B.
How To Calculate Bisection Bandwidth?
To divide the network in a hypercube architecture with n nodes, n/2 links must be broken. Hence the bisection bandwidth is equal to the bandwidth of n/2 links. One of those terms for which numerous definitions have been developed is this.

Also, remember that anyone, including you, can edit Wikipedia. Particularly with very elusive themes like these, it frequently results in a definition from the viewpoint of an individual. Wikipedia articles are open for editing and addition by anybody.
Bisectional bandwidth can be used on any network arbitrarily divided into two equal pieces, regardless of whether the sections are similar. Most users don’t require bisectional bandwidth to have two equal parts. The Wikipedia author may misunderstand the term “bisecting,” interpreting it to mean dividing something into two halves, whether or not they are identical.
Bisectional bandwidth is typically used to refer to the available bandwidth between two network segments. This can be caused by STP blocking links that can’t carry traffic other than in the event of a forwarding link failure.
You might be able to abruptly double the bisectional bandwidth by employing a different protocol than STP. Individual nodes are not typically included while using the word. It instead applies to the connections between the switches.
What Is Bisection Bandwidth?
The bandwidth is accessible between the two partitions of a network topology in computer networking if the network is divided into two halves.
- Bisection should be carried out in a way that leaves the least amount of bandwidth between two partitions.
- Bisection bandwidth provides the actual bandwidth that is accessible across the board. The bottleneck bandwidth of the entire network is caused by bisection bandwidth. Bisection bandwidth, as opposed to other metrics, more accurately captures the network’s bandwidth characteristics.
Significance Of Bisection Bandwidth
Clark Thomborson created a theoretical justification for the significance of this network performance indicator during his Ph.D. research (formerly Clark Thompson). Thompson demonstrated that on computers with insufficient bisection width, crucial algorithms like sorting, Fast Fourier transformation, and matrix-matrix multiplication become communication-limited instead of CPU or memory-limited.

Thomborson’s loose bound on the bisection breadth of the shuffle-exchange network is a computationally significant variation of the De Bruijn graph. Based on Bill Dally’s analysis of the latency, average case throughput, and hot-spot throughput of m-ary n-cube networks for different m, it can be seen that low-dimensional networks (such as tori) have lower latency than high-dimensional networks (such as binary n-cubes) with the same bisection width.
What distinguishes a network topology for a distributed memory architecture’s bisection width and diameter? The longest of the shortest pathways between two nodes make up a network’s diameter (diam). A network’s bisection width (BW) is the minimum number of edges (or links) that must be deleted to divide the network into two equal-sized halves.
What Is Torus Topology?
Torus networks, which balance the trade-off between network diameter and hardware prices, are a desirable architecture in supercomputing. Each node in a torus network has 2k neighbors, and a k-dimensional wraparound mesh interconnects the nodes.
What Is Star In Network Topology?
A star network is a type of local area network (LAN) topology where every node, such as a PC, workstation, or another device, is directly connected to a hub, a popular name for the ordinary central computer. As a result, a star network is frequently referred to as having a hub-and-spoke structure.
What Is Torus In Parallel Processing Computing?
A switch-free network topology called a torus to interconnect is used to connect the processing nodes in a parallel computing system.
What Is A Torus Network?
A static routing technique called E-Cube routing uses the XY-routing algorithm. The term “deterministic, dimension-ordered routing model” is frequently used to describe this. The kth dimension of the network is traversed by E-Cube routing, where k is the least significant non-zero bit in the distance calculation result.

What Makes A Torus Special?
The only surface that can have a metric of vanishing curvature is the torus. The superior parallelizable surface is this one. Only this surface can be transformed into a topological group.
Is A 3 Torus Flat?
One of the ten flat finite universes is the three-dimensional torus. The three-dimensional equivalent of an infinite cylinder is one example of an endless flat world.
What Is Bisection Bandwidth?
Bisection bandwidth is frequently used to describe how well a network performs. It involves cutting a network in half and calculating the combined bandwidth of the severed links (BW of each channel), which is Only applicable to recursive topologies. Because switch and routing efficiency are not considered, it may be deceptive. Bandwidth of Bisection
How Many Links Should Be Broken To Bisect The Network?
Dividing the network into two sections for a linear array only requires destroying one link. Two connections must be broken to separate the web in a ring topology with n nodes, converting the bisection bandwidth to the bandwidth of the two links.
What Is The Bisection Bandwidth Of A Hyper-Cube?
One link must be broken to divide a tree topology with n nodes at the root. Hence the bisection bandwidth is equal to the bandwidth of one connection. To separate the network in a hypercube architecture with n nodes, n/2 links must be broken. Hence the bisection bandwidth is equal to the bandwidth of n/2 links.
To Conclude
I hope the above information on How To Calculate Bisection Bandwidth? is helpful for you. Since it limits the quantity of information that can be transferred from one side of a network to the other, or the bisection bandwidth, the bisection width of interconnection networks has always been crucial in parallel computing. Leighton posed the 20-year-old problem of determining the precise bisection width of the multidimensional torus.
We give the exact value for the torus’ bisection width in this study, along with the importance of several d-dimensional classical parallel topologies that can be created using the Cartesian product of graphs.
To do this, we first provide two general conclusions that enable us to derive upper and lower bounds on a product graph’s bisection width as a function of various characteristics of its factor graphs. We also use these findings to derive constraints for a d-dimensional BCube network’s bisection bandwidth, a recently suggested data center structure.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is bisection bandwidth?
The bisection bandwidth of a ring, for instance, will be two billion bits per second or 2000 megabits per second if the links in the ring have a bandwidth of one billion bits per second. A network with all switches connected directly constitutes optimal direct connectivity.
Why is bisection width important?
Because it limits the quantity of information that can be transferred from one side of a network to the other, or the bisection bandwidth, the bisection width of interconnection networks has always been significant in parallel computing. Some network families have had trouble determining its precise value.
What are the basic properties of interconnection networks?
The most fundamental characteristic of an interconnection network is the routing of communication between nodes, which is closely related to the configuration of connections between nodes. A node may be a processor, a core, a memory module, or an integrated processor-memory module.
What is interconnection bandwidth?
The capacity to transport traffic via direct, private interconnections at traffic exchange points housed inside carrier-neutral colocation data center facilities is called interconnection bandwidth.